Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chilling experience

As a woman travelling alone, I am always aware of potential problems. But in my 22 years of living abroad, I have not had any - until last night. While I was at McD’s, I selected a table facing the windows. I could not see who was behind me. But apparently, they could see what I was doing on my Laptop.  As I repeatedly tried to get on the McD’s network, a new network suddenly appeared titled: “use your own wifi, b (gender slur)”. 

Reading it sent a chill up my spine. I immediately got up and went to the counter; and that is when I asked the staff for help getting online. One of the staff was a woman. I asked her if she spoke English, then I recounted to her what had happened. I wanted to make sure that someone else was aware of what had happened. She started to turn around to look at the people in the room, but I told her not to. I just said, “I guess one of your customers does not like me”.  I then sat in McD’s for more than an hour first - to enjoy the internet and second - to ensure that there was no one in the parking lot who might want to harm me.

Lesson Learned: 1. Sit facing the people. 2. Buy a tablet or IPAD so no one can see what you are doing.


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