Sunday, May 5, 2013

Oestrich-Winkel: The Oma (the grandmother) causes a traffic jam – April 26

As I try to leave Oestrich-Winkel, I am caught in a rather strange traffic jam. The streets are very narrow – only one car wide. I come upon an old lady toddling along with her walker in the street (not on the sidewalk!!). What can I do but stop? So I simply drive slowly behind her.  Soon there are cars lined up on both sides of the road.   I dare not blow my horn and scare her, so I simply wait. Finally,  she seems to notice that the traffic coming in her direction has completely stopped.  She raises her head and thank goodness (!!) raises her walker, as well, and gingerly steps up onto the sidewalk allowing me and my fellow motorists drive - unobstructed - on our way.

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