Sunday, May 5, 2013

Oestrich-Winkel: rush hour in a wine-town 24 April

In most places, when we think of rush hour traffic jams, we think of lines and lines of commuters sitting in their cars waiting and waiting or just driving very slowly. But rush hour in a wine town presents a different picture.  First of all, you have to understand that, unlike America where the farmers live on their land generally miles away from the town, here in Germany - the farmers and vintners live in the towns and commute to their fields which surround the towns.  As a result, the farmers and vintners to commute to their fields and like many businessmen they drive the company vehicle to and from work. But the vehicle in this case is a tractor or some other motorized farm implement. As a result, you often find yourself driving slowly behind a vinter or farmer as he heads to or from his fields… in the morning or at the end of the day… and most often at mid-day for lunch.

Luckily the farm equipment is shared – amongst all of the vintners in the area - so you don’t have zillions of them hogging the roads… but when you want to get someplace.. one is more than enough!!

Be sure to visit Pinterest (Roaming-thru-Europe /Oestrich-Winkel April 2013  to see all of my photos form that wonderful time. 

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